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Sovereign funds

Capital horizons has structured and currently administers assets for several governments.

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A Sovereign Wealth Fund (“Swf”) is a vehicle for deploying a state’s savings and investments from the present to the future.

The Wealth in a SWF since owned by a government makes its structuring administration and management significantly different from that of a private sector investment fund. While private funds benchmark themselves on pecuniary motives, the evaluation mechanism for SWF’s uses different standards.

Capital Horizons Ltd has both the experience and expertise in structuring and administering SWFs. We have a dedicated focus on those states who wish to improve or at least maintain the standards of living of their population with the competing interest which their depleting natural resources pose as a threat to state’s wealth.

Capital Horizons has structured and currently administers assets for several governments. The assets under administration under this segment of our activities is well over the billion-dollar mark and has built a unique system to guide sovereign funds in their strategy which rests on three pillars aiming to:

1. Allow for today’s wealth and resources to benefit future generations.
2. Generate sustainable positive cash flows to contribute to the state’s budget in line with its economic and policy framework.
3. Instill a professional management, accountability and governance culture which transcends political changes.